This is not an ordinary school. This is a community of interdependent individuals whose common purpose is reflected in the face of each child at the school.  Diversity and inclusion create a depth and richness of ideas and respect for others.

Jonh Dewey explains, "Full education comes only when there is a responsible share on the part of each person, in proportion to capacity, in shaping the aims and policies of the social group to which he belongs." 

Children here own their learning, with all its joys and responsibilities. The learning groups are multi-age and heterogeneous, laying a foundation for building a strong community of caring individuals who respect and cherish each other. 

Parents have a vital participatory role, and help run the school.

Teachers also help run the school, and although they teach within a shared philosophical framework, are autonomous. They have chosen to teach at The Antioch School for the academic freedom nurtured here.

Our School Manager is not a principal, deciding on the direction of the school, but is instead a facilitator who frees the teachers from office paperwork, provides technical information to the Board of Directors, and helps implement decisions the Board and teachers have made.

We are all – parents, teachers, staff, and wider community members – here for the children.