Jill Eggleton

Jill Eggleton

Wednesday, 16 March 2022 22:55

OG Blog: Pi and Pie Day!

Pi Day and Pie Day in the OG!

The children spent time last week exploring circles. We read a silly book about circles and pi called Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi, figured out different ways to measure circles and found relationships between the measurements, labeled the different parts of circles, and created circle art. The children discovered that the distance around a circle, the circumference, is ALWAYS a little bit more than 3 times the diameter.

On March 14 (3.14), we made two incredible pies - chocolate pudding pie with an Oreo crust, and a truly beautiful and delicious Lemon Meringue pie. The children got extra whipped cream for each digit of pi they memorized beyond 3.14. We went through a lot of whipped cream!