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At The Antioch School, physical growth and development takes an appropriate variety of forms. As with academics, the children find their own level of comfortable participation and challenge themselves daily, both on and off the familiar unicycles.

Students typically spend a portion of their days outside, even in blustery winter weather, and, during warmer times, will complete entire projects outside. Typically, the YG and OG plant and maintain a garden each spring.

The school enjoys a warm bond with the neighboring Antioch College, where K through Older Group children swim and use the gym on a regular weekly schedule. The swim program pairs older children with younger ones in a unique, unintimidating, safe mentorship overseen by water safety-certified personnel and teachers.

Students also annually prepare neighboring college grounds as a soccer field. Other physical activities include skating parties, skiing trips, and nature walks in the adjoining Glen Helen Nature Preserve.


Unicycling at The Antioch School

Physed Picture 2Most of the children teach themselves and each other to ride unicycles. It's been that way since 1968, and the bear riding the unicycle is the de facto logo representing the self-reliance fostered in each child. It is something few, if any, parents or teachers (exception, Bill Mullins) can help with.

Along the school's back porch windows, horizontal bars at just the right height provide a hand-hold for mounting the cycles. Children on foot sometimes reach out a helping hand, but sooner or later, balance is achieved, without hurry or pressure.