Sunday, 10 December 2023 19:07

Finding a Tree Together

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     The Antioch School Kindergarten has a long tradition of getting a tree in December.  Many years ago Kindergartners would cut a Christmas tree to decorate for school.  Since not all families and children celebrated Christmas, though, eventually they decided to make it more inclusive.  After all, the tradition of bringing greenery and evergreen trees in during this dark time of year dates back to the earliest solstice celebrations, long before Christians began celebrating Christmas.  The tree was renamed a giving tree.  Kindergartners would choose a cause for families to donate to, and the tree would be decorated with items for that cause.  Some years it was hats, mittens, and scarves.  Other years items for hurricane relief, food for local food banks and soup kitchens, and even items for the birds at the Raptor Center were placed on and under the tree. 

     This year's Kindergarten group has been quite cohesive, and after our Thanksgiving break, they've been particularly consolidated.  Yet it was still surprising to me how quickly they selected this year's giving tree.  At the Yellow Springs High School Forest, they stopped at the first group of trees we came to and had circled their selected tree, before I had even caught up from the back of the group. 

     "This one!  This one!" they chanted together. 

     Several children helped saw it down, and several more pitched in to carry it to a parent's waiting car.  We then hiked back to school through the Glen, arriving before lunch.  It was record time!

     Since then, the children have decorated the tree with lights, paper snowflakes, and strings of popcorn and cranberries.  They decided that they would ask families to donate money to help people who are unhoused.  After asking around a bit--thanks, Chloe--we called Florence Randolph, a social worker with the Yellow Springs Police Department to see how to help.  The children's letter to school families is below.

Dear Parents,


If people don't have homes, soon they will need money to buy a home.  They might need food, water, and clothing.  Florence Randolph, Community Outreach Specialist in Yellow Springs, will give them food, water, and clothing, and help them find homes.


There's going to be a box by the giving tree near the front and OG doors.  Please put money and checks (made out to YS PD Community Outreach) in it.


We are going to give it to Florence.  Thank you, parents.





Update:  Thank you to all who helped the children raise $530.01 for the Community Outreach program.  The children were very excited, as we counted the money together.  One child shared, "I didn't even know it would be one hundred!"  They were very proud of their effort and grateful for your support. 


Read 151 times Last modified on Monday, 01 January 2024 15:20